2002 HPF News

The most famous GHI of the GAU has fallen!  Rich "Fred" Pender married a most charming Denise Dauphin  on August 23, 2002 aboard a riverboat on the Potomac.  Al Johnson and Brendan Cameron were best men.  Also attending at the wedding or at a great party given by Brad Ferris and his wife the next day were HPF alums Jim Payne, Joel Rappoport, Craig Enright, Randy O'Kane, Rich Conn, George Springsteen, Scott Herman, Bruce McLain, Dave Halpert and Mark Winkler as well as many wives and family including Brian Dale's brave widow, Luanne.  Take a look at some wedding and party pictures.

On June 13-16 2002, many Class of 1977 HPF alumni attended their 25th Dartmouth reunion on campus.  Present were Dave Halpert, Thad Seymour, Bob Leach, Don Burkhardt, Steve McAllister, Allan Treffler and Steve Zebrowski.



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